Environmental Initiatives Our Approach to Environmental Considerations, Environmental Performance

Our Approach to Environmental Considerations

In accordance with the following Sustainability Policy, SHR and SHAM promote initiatives to address environmental issues and work with stakeholders to reduce environmental impact through business activities.

Sustainability Policy (excerpt)

Responding to Climate Change
We actively and continuously promote the efficient use of energy and aim to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, toward the creation of a decarbonized society.
As part of our response to climate change, SHR will also implement measures to raise the awareness of both internal and external stakeholders.

Water and Resource Saving Measures
We will actively contribute to the creation of a recycling-based society by promoting measures and public awareness activities for reducing water use and implementing the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) in relation to resources.

Biodiversity Conservation
In accordance with the Gohon no Ki (“five trees”) Project promoted by Sekisui House, we aim to realize harmony with nature and the surrounding environment by conducting maintenance and management of planting and other greenery measures, centering on tree species with consideration given to the ecosystem matters.

Click here for the full Sustainability Policy.

Environmental Targets

SHR has set the following environmental targets to resolve materiality. While implementing various measures to achieve the targets and reviewing them as appropriate in consideration of environmental, social, and economic changes, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

(Note)In principle, reduction targets are set every 5 years after FY 2028.

Environmental Management System(EMS)

SHAM has established an Environmental Management System (EMS) to address environmental issues specified in the Sustainability Policy. In this system, based on environmental performance data such as CO₂ emissions, energy consumption, water use, and waste emissions, we set environmental targets (Plan), track achievements (Do), budget management and progress reporting (Check), and plan and implement improvement measures (Act). Furthermore, the Sustainability Committee deliberates and provides reports on the contents of each item, and we work to continuously strengthen our initiatives.

Environmental Performance Data

SHR has received third-party assurance for environmental performance data since fiscal year 2020, with the exception of some data, and is committed to managing accurate and transparent data.
Click here for detailed data by asset type, other environment-related data, basis of calculation, etc.

GHG Emissions (Scope1, Scope2)

KPI: Medium term target (by FY 2030) Reduce 42% (total emission basis, compared to FY 2021)
FY 2022 Result
vs. base year

Energy Consumption
KPI: Reduce 10% by FY 2028 (intensity basis, compared to FY 2018)

FY 2022 Result
vs. base year

Waste Emission
KPI: Avoid increasing waste emission intensity of portfolio compared to FY 2018

FY 2022 Result
vs. base year

Water Use
KPI: Avoid increasing water use intensity of portfolio compared to FY 2018

FY 2022 Result
vs. base year

Introduction of Environmentally Friendly Facilities

SHR actively promotes the efficient use of energy, and installs environmentally friendly facilities such as LED lighting and energy-saving air conditioner in addition to energy-creating facilities through the installation of solar panels, etc. in owned properties.

LED Lighting

SHR promotes the changeover to LED lighting in common areas of residences. As of the end of October 2023 (the end of the 18th fiscal period), changes have been made to a cumulative total of 67 properties, and it is expected that the annual electricity usage will be reduced by 61.8% and the annual CO₂ emissions will be reduced by 744 tons with the changes thus far.

Effect of the Change to LED Lighting(Note1)(Note2)

(Note 1)The total covers 67 residential properties that have been switched to LED lighting.

(Note 2)The figures for expected reduction are estimated by SHAM based on materials provided by the replacement contractor etc. There is no guarantee that the expected reductions will be realized.

In addition, we strive to reduce the environmental burden through the introduction of solar power generation panels, Low-e double glazed windows with thermal shielding and thermal insulation capabilities, and electric vehicle chargers.

Examples of Facilities Installation

Solar Power Generation Panels


Prime Maison Gotenyama East

Low-e Double Grazed Windows

Hommachi Minami Garden City

Electric Vehicle Chargers


Introduction of Renewable Energy-Derived Electricity

SHR promotes the introduction of renewable energy-derived electricity in owned properties by switching the contracts for power supply to electricity plans that eliminate CO₂ emissions to virtually zero.
SHR has switched the contract for power supply to "Sekisui House Owner Denki (Note)" for "Hirokoji Garden Avenue", resulting in CO₂ emissions from electricity to be virtually zero.
SHR introduced virtual renewable energy through the purchase of FIT non-fossil fuel energy certificates with tracking at the Non-fossil Fuel Energy Value Trading Market of the Japan Electric Power Exchange via a broker.

(Note)"Sekisui House Owner Denki" is a service in which the power supply company purchases surplus electricity from solar power generation from owners of houses built by Sekisui House. This surplus electricity is purchased at a stable price even after the expiration of the feed-in tariff (FIT) system and sold to Sekisui House and others.

Status of Renewable Energy-Derived Electricity
(As of December 21, 2023)
(number of properties basis)

Entire Portfolio